Tuesday, May 15, 2007

compartmentalized and keeping it classy

close captioned and catereing close to climbing back down to carry what i carved out of cancelled cardiovascular lines. maintnence man. is a man who is very good at maintaining. i'm going to cut several of my jeans into shorts this week. okay maybe just one pair. or two. we'll see. always a fun time of year. bitching camaro. its a bit cloudy. kinda of a dark nice tho. because all the fucking meatheads i watched drive down to the beach all day to be in the sun and show their feathers are bummed now cause the sun is gone. haha. i am so busy these days. and i'm getting away with it by the skin of my teeth. just barely remembering appointments. just hardly squeezing in time to make everything work. balancing. a balancing act. balance.

bal-ance |ˈbaləns|
a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions
: overseas investments can add balance to an investment portfolio | [in sing.]
try to keep a balance between work and relaxation.

self medication:
rolo milkshakes
driving fast
celebrating the times

a good old shang hai

helpless is almost easier. cause if you're actually helpless, you have EVERYTHING to blame your bullshit on.

no blamey.